10th annual Master Data and Data Governance Excellence in Life Sciences
10th annual Master Data and Data Governance Excellence in Life Sciences
Effective Master Data Management is crucial for the Life Sciences industry due to the significant increase in the volume of data that these organizations handle. To comply with regulatory requirements and achieve maximum benefits from their data, such as improving customer management, research and development, and supply chain, life science companies must have a well-defined master data strategy in place.
Therefore, TBM Group brings you a unique opportunity to hear from leading experts in Master Data Management from across the life sciences to help you address your own challenges, with our speakers sharing their expertise in building a strong, foundational Master Data Management and Data Governance strategy that will ensure ongoing data quality maintenance and drive operational efficiencies in your organization for years to come.
So do join us to hear our industry experts speak on the following key topics:
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- Exploring the collaborative dynamics in data domain ownership
- The role of IDMP ontology in global data standardization
- Integrating MDM and Data Governance to ensure regulatory compliance
- Data FAIRification
- Bridging MDM with emerging technologies
- Enhancing data quality and governance in life sciences
- Data Lineage
- A focus on MDM Ecosystem Capabilities

Fabian Muttach
Regulatory Information Manager - Global Regulatory Affairs
Boehringer Ingelheim

Flavio Fessia
EMEA Commercial Data Governance Lead
Johnson & Johnson

Luisa Heesen
Data Domain Owner
Boehringer Ingelheim

Quentin Grignet
Head of Master Data Strategy and Analytics

Sheila Elz
Master Data Manager

Ankit Geete

Tobias Künkler
Head of Data Governance
Novo Nordisk

Egidio Dell’Utri
Data Foundation Lead and Global Data Steward

Olivier Gigonzac
Global Data Governance Lead

Christian Bonus
Manager Corporate Master Data Management
Miltenyi Biotec

Hans van Bruggen
Chief Scientific Officer
“A must attend event.” “The networking opportunities and knowledge sharing were invaluable—truly an inspirational and useful event.” “Meeting like-minded professionals who are tackling data governance in finance made this event a standout— very glad I attended.” “A well-organized conference with a strong focus on the financial sector, offering invaluable peer reviews and practical insights.”
“Inspiring, broad range of topics” “Well balanced agenda, excellent speakers, quality, good preparation” “Great – lots of good insights are shared. Good open and relaxed atmosphere.” “Very useful event for networking, consistently high level of presentations + discussions”
“Very well organised, excellent moderation of the conference.” “The audience was well engaged and ready to network.” “Excellent communication.”
“Very useful and focused event for Data Governance practitioners” “Very good concerning the difficulties of distance” “Content was interesting and beneficial” “It has been one of the most interesting events I have ever been part of! Despite the fact that it was an virtual event, the topics and the moderation allowed for staying on it, never losing interest in featured presentations.” “Overall evaluation is definitely good. Lots of good presentation with interesting perspectives on both strategy and operational level.” “Professionally held and organized. I think the best agenda I had experienced in terms of the flow and subjects complimentary to each other and developing logically.”
“Very good: Great venue, organization, presentations, international participants, lively discussions” “Good to meet peers – Very inspiring” “For me as a starting data custodian, a good kick-off to get insight into the relevant topics and best practices” “It was a good event with many aspects of Data Governance” “Very much enjoyed it. Topics discussed gave great perspectives of the Data Governance strategies different companies are using. Very practical and useful stories from experience” “Very good content from industry practitioners with real successes and challenges”
“Excellent participation & sharing of knowledge and experiences” “A lot of experts/discussion sharing experiences” “Important to see different ways of setting up Data Governance” “We all share the same challenges but approach them in different ways. Great to see how others do things” “Lots and lots of insights from all aspects of data management” “We are facing the same issues, choosing similar approaches so we can help each other by sharing information”
„Great event with well-defined speakers“ „I like the event and hope to participate also in the future“ “Very good, very happy with 2 days spent. Informative, money well spent.“
"Good, well organized with interesting and passionate speakers" "Great speakers and variety of topics about MDM and DG and AI" "It was great combination of relevant presentations and networking"
“Very well organized and conducted, good presenters from big companies, good subjects ” “Excellent, good mix of skills, high quality presenters” “Very good, very happy with 2 days spent” “Incredibly informative. Hearing that other companies are experiencing or have overcome similar issues to ours is actually inspiring”
“It fulfilled my expectations. Very good content and organization” “Very good event to get new inspiration and networking” “Very good, interesting and relevant topics as well as presentations” “Great event. The quality of the presentations and topics have really increased a lot over the years”
“Excellent Conference, well organized and fully met my expectations” “Really beneficial” “Excellent event conducted by TBM” “10/10 Excellent, the event was rich of content and well organized” “Excellent platform, very visual and user friendly”
“Gave me a lot of inspiration, new information and possibilities to explore to make my activities evolve” “I thought it was really good to have this as interactive as it was. Lots of conversations and connections generated” “Great informative and relevant sessions from Industry experts” “Good knowledge sharing and inspiring examples from peers”
“Very informative, provided good insight into Data Governance trends.” “Really good; very valuable way to spend two days” “Worked really well.”
“High quality attendees” “We had a really good exposure during the event” “Very well organized, interesting presentations and topics“ “Great speaker line up, great conversations, relevant topics.” ”Overall, a great event for Master Data Professionals”
“I really enjoyed the event as the number of participants was to the point bringing together the required diversity and expertise” “Great event, good speakers, relevant topics” “Being the scope of the meeting ‘Life science’, the conference was well-balanced in terms of speakers and aspects covered” “Well-organised, good time-keeper. Very useful presentations and networking”
“Positive. Made many notes. Interesting views/ topics” “Very positive. Good content (exceeded expectations)” “A+” “Very inspiring – Good. Broad variety is positive” “Great events. Different views which is really good” “Interesting and diversified topics and presenters”
The conference was very well organized, great selection of the speakers, content, organization and participants’’ Merck Sharp & Dohme Amazing conference, with a lot of very good discussions!
I am used to take part in conferences; however this event’s organization was at the highest level I have experienced. I think any company would gain by attending this event Sanofi The IDMP topic was the highlight and would like more participation from our side next year Veeva Systems
Conviviality and positive industry spirit to continue the Master Data Management Challenge GSK Please repeat regularly! BASF Mixture of the topics was excellent! Cognizant Good mix of guest speakers from different companies providing different insights Novartis