TBM Group

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2ndAnnual Global PVC Compounding & Production Cycle Forum

When it will happen
10-11 JUNE 2021
Where it will happen
Online Interactive Conference
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About the Conference

Polyvinyl Chloride, or PVC, is one of the most important and used plastics in the world. It currently accounts for about 20% of all plastic manufactured worldwide, second only to polyethylene. The whole PVC production cycles employs over 1.45 million people in approximately 62000 different companies, most of which are Small and Medium Enterprises (SME).

The role of the Compounder is extremely important in the whole Production Cycle of PVC, insofar as very few companies have an in-house compounding system and more often relies on external companies for the production of granules which then are turned into the final product. Moreover, the Compounder is the link in the chain that allows to find the right balance and compromise between the polymer and the chemicals, in order to produce an effective, performing and competitive material.

TBM Evolution Group brings you a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and perspectives at this unique event which is the only one currently focusing exclusively on PVC Compounding, puts compounder at the centre and sums up what is happening in and around the sector, what are future trends and how to tackle the challenges.

Topics covered include:

  • PVC global market outlook
  • focus on the PVC industry’s efforts to increase sustainability
  • Effective removal of legacy additives from PVC
  • Assessing the major challenges in managing global PVC supply chains
  • Understanding the main challenges around recycled PVC
  • Development of bio-based PVC compound solutions
  • Ensuring transparency and correct calculation of the sustainability of PVC operations and products
  • NanoMaxxTM, the Future of PVC Compounds

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