TBM Group

organization for arranging conferences

3rd Annual Global Innovative Curing & Tire Building Forum

When it will happen
03-04 DECEMBER 2020
Where it will happen
Online Interactive Conference
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About the Conference

The tire building industry has been facing a great number of challenges in recent times. The recent challenges for the tire manufacturers that were introduced with a rapid spread of COVID-19 on tire production can hardly be overestimated since companies were forced to close their production facilities in different parts of the world in order to ensure safety of the employees. This poses an important question of how can the tire manufacturers minimize the impact of the absence of fully staffed plant. Apart from that, the rapid technologic development makes it challenging for tire manufacturing companies to keep pace with the times of innovations, digitalisation and automation. This results to the fact that a great number of machines are becoming obsolete which evidently affects the efficiency of tire production and the competitiveness of the manufacturing company. Last but not least, tire curing and building processes require high energy consumption, therefore, the issues of reaching sustainability levels during tire production appear.

The 3rd Annual Innovative Curing and Tire Building Forum will bring together senior level participants that will aim to present constructive solutions to the above-mentioned problems and discuss on recent innovations that were introduced within curing and tire building. This forum is a great opportunity for the participants to learn more about technological development that are currently happening in the industry of curing and tire building.


  • Examining current trends and developments in the tire production process
  • Exploiting the benefits of Artificial Intelligence in the production process
  • Overcoming the disruption caused by COVID-19 on tire production
  • Targeting increased energy efficiency in the curing cycle
  • Environment and sustainability: Overcoming challenges to meet targets
  • Exploring how to increase the cost-effectiveness of equipment

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