TBM Group

organization for arranging conferences

4th Annual Digital Onboarding
& ID Verification

When it will happen
26-27 NOVEMBER 2020
Where it will happen
Online Interactive Conference
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About the Conference

Digital identification is completely transforming the financial sector. Banks and financial institutions have understood the needs of today’s customers, transforming their processes to offer them an experience that they find comfortable and accessible, without friction and difficulty when registering to obtain products. Times have been optimized and costs reduced.

But why is so much emphasis placed on onboarding? Maybe it’s because nearly 40% of customers abandon onboarding processes in digital channels. Why? Deloitte did some exploring and discovered that people give up when the onboarding process takes too long, or when it requires more information than people are willing to disclose. “Given that, it should be no surprise that at least 26 percent of customers feel that <easy enrollment and login> are the most important criteria on which they decide who to bank with”.

For traditional banks, adapting to the new world we’re living in is not easy. It requires either a completely new leadership mindset or huge investments.

So, whether it’s Europe, Asia, Africa or the USA, digital banking – and the onboarding process in particular – will remain a hot topic for design thinking and action in the years to come.

TBM Evolution Group brings you a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and perspectives with Digital Onboarding experts from different industries to discuss a broad range of current topics, such as:

  • Leveraging AI to create a seamless customer onboarding journey
  • Best practices and regulatory challenges faced in automation
  • The (potential) role of SSI (Self Sovereign Identity) in Digital Onboarding
  • Standardised Digital Identification – how we utilise new technologies to understand our customers
  • Case Study: Successful implementation of one of the largest digital transformation programs ever – YONO
  • A successful evolution from KYC to eKYC: digital transformation
  • Getting started in e-KYC and the need for globally interoperable digital identity.
  • Digital onboarding and KYC: aligning the interests of consumers, businesses and regulators
  • New banking era: customer-centric business practices
  • Equipping your employees with digital competencies to cope with rapid technology disruption in the digital onboarding process

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