4th Annual Global UX Innovation
& Cabin Design for NRMM
About the Conference
After the success of our previous events in the UX for NRMM series forums, TBM continues to tailor its focus on the prominent areas of challenge and opportunity for our partners in the non-road sector. User experience design methods in the machinery sector increases its focus on human-centric design, while at the same time, shifting towards the reality of autonomous machinery. The sector is in a weirdly-balanced middle ground at the moment, and major OEMs are deciding the speed of commercially available highly automated/ driver assisted/ remote-controlled & autonomous machinery. As much as this is needed and wanted by much of their consumer base, there are still many end-customers who are not ready or not willing to take on more advanced machines. As long as the human operator is still in the machine, how are design principles changing? How is the balance being defined? This shift is affecting machinery manufacturers, cabin manufacturers, materials & components, and especially the end-customers, whose major concerns on health & safety, and ROI continue to rise.
Topics to be included:
- End-user involvement and cooperation in product development and design
- A focus on cabin ergonomics and functional safety for operators
- Best-practice strategies for quality operator training
- A focus on future electric vehicles and autonomous functions
- Complexity reduction and simplification of HMI in UI