TBM Group

organization for arranging conferences

6th Annual Global Outage
Management Forum for Distribution System Operators

When it will happen
09-10 SEPTEMBER 2021
Where it will happen
Online Interactive Conference
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About the Conference

The 6th Annual Global Outage Management Forum for DSO’s is the only conference on outage management in the whole Europe at the moment building on the success of the previous events.

Before the pandemic, a momentary outage in the middle of the day was easy to ignore. However, ensuring a reliable power supply has become an absolute must in the pandemic world, which creates constant pressure on the local electric utility. Nevertheless, not all utilities have bolstered the lateral lines to make sure that their clients have constant access to continuous power.

Furthermore, the number of unplanned power outages is rising globally and is expected to rise even more due to aging components in networks, third-party damage, extreme weather conditions, and accelerated integration of renewable energy. In addition, renewable energy sources that are not depleted when used (e.g. solar/wind power), are making the network grid unstable due to its volatile character.

Evidently, the COVID-19 should catalyze the focus of utility attention on strategies improving grid reliability.

We are approaching the topic from a strategic and technical perspective: addressing automation, new technology solutions, investment into the network, and crisis communication point. The focus of all in-depth presentations stays on the solutions to these issues. Participants will be leaving with clear, practical ideas about how to improve their outage management.

We are offering a highly interactive forum with the senior level participants from the major European network operators, where all questions will be answered during the open discussions by professionals from the industry. It is a great opportunity for the participants to hear how their peers are handling the prevention and management of outages.

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